Sunday, June 3, 2012

Colourful summmerrrr!

this is going to be a post of less words 'cause as they say - a picture is worth a thousand words. :)
this is what I wore for a weekend lunch out and some retail therapy with J. it was a beautiful summer day (a lil bit on the cooler side though) and I was already feeling quite energetic goes to J for getting us both out in the AM for a lovely walk ..well it stretched to a couple of miles but nonetheless was refreshing and ya I should was also a first for us ..'our first lovely morning walk' ..(we never did go out for morning walks in Boston..its a lil bit cooooler there you see ;))
well, howass your weekend? did you do anything fun or had a 'first' like us :)?

Tunic - Gift from mom-in-law (Pantaloons, India)
Red denims - NY&Co.
necklace - gift from sis-in-law
bag & earrings- Shoppers stop, India
Chappals - Hill road, bandra

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