Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Best Things Ashy Ever Ate - I

We are foodies. Me and my husband. Epicurious, voracious foodies. We just love to eat, hog and indulge in gluttony. With our travels in and around the US, I have tasted the most decadent, creative and one-of-its kind dishes. We hunt/yelp restaurants, food trucks, food-joint, diners to succeed in our quest in finding the top-notch restaurants and their best dishes ever.

I decided to spin this quest of ours in a post; for me food blogging is about sharing 'the best thing I made in my kitchen' as also 'the best thing I ever ate'! After all, in today's era restaurant food too plays an important role in a foodie's life, right? While blogging about the outside-eating experience, I have taken a page or two out of the ultimate foodie channel in US - Food Network and decided to present to you *drumroll please* The Best Things Ashy ever ate!!

What: Barbeque (BBQ) sauce over chicken skewers with Mufungo –
Where: The Parrot Club, Old San Juan, Puerto Rico
Mufungo is traditional Caribbean dish and  essentially is made of mashed plantains. It’s usually stuffed with veggies or meat and our favorite was with Chicken. Mashed plantains taste more like mashed potatoes. The BBQ sauce was luscious and full of flavor; chicken was cooked perfectly in spices. Mufungo is a must-have if you are in Carribean. The restaurant itself was funky and true to its name, the decor was totally inspired from Parrots! If you are strolling around in Old San Juan, this place is a must-visit. 

What: Pineapple Fried Rice with Shrimp
Where: Island Hopper, Boston
Hmm, the aroma of pineapple fried rice makes my mouth melt. Add to it the presentation - innovative and picture-perfect. The shrimp cooked delicately with the spicy thai rice – delish and filling. Sumptuous lunch perfectly done! This restaurant is a favorite of one of my friends and she frequented this place for some Thai-time. I am sure she will be happy reading that I featured this place in my post :)

What: Potato Croquettes
Where: Cuchi Cuchi, Boston
Small bites of gooey mixture of potato and cheese deep fried. Slurp! And can you get more exquisite with the presentation? Husband found this gem for my birthday dinner and boy oh boy! was it a fantastic place or what. I had a memorable dinner there. Not just the great food, but the whole ambiance and the experience is unique, ashy's guarantee! The decor is complete retro and so are the servers - they are dressed up as Flappers  (the bold and beautiful women of the 20's) and are a sight to see!

What: Mexican Deep-fried Tomato
Where: Cuchi Cuchi, Boston
Yes, I had two deep fried dishes, one after another, so sue me! The deep fried tomato was placed in a pool of tomato salsa; every bite was yumm-o! The restaurant specializes in International cuisine, one dish from every part of the world. If in Boston, highly recommended!

What: Nutella-Strawberry-Banana Crepes
Where: Paris Creperie, Boston
Ending on a sweet note. Do I need to describe this decadence? No, right?
Just one thing, don’t drool please :P

Hope you enjoyed this foodie journey dedicated to my passion in finding 'Excellence in Decadence'.
Do drop your comments on how you liked this new segment?

P.S.: Over the weekend, I went for a salon treatment with my BFF and now I have a complete new look.
A sneak-peek is coming up!!

P.P.S.: Today's my Moms budday, I call her aai - thats mom in Marathi language. So I have already wished on call, on FB and now on my blog! Shes my inspiration for style (of course!), she loves to read and travelling is her passion (mom-dad are back from a trip to Europe). Happy Budday to you aai! May all your dreams come true and you travel to more exotic places and get me goodies! love you loads!


  1. Hi Ashy,

    Looks Excellent !!

    Perfect presentation:)

    Keep on Dear..

  2. Omg..those deep fried delicacies look soo tempting!
    Lovely post! And happy birthday to your aai from me:)

    Shubhi's Revels!

  3. thank you soo much everybody for your kind words! I will definitely pass your wishes to my mom :) shes gonna be one happy lady, hehe

  4. Exactly, marathi blogger gals are a rare breed!:)
    I am from Mulund, which is smwhere in between dombivali and santacruz...but of course u know that:p

    I would love to meet you too!
    And i think Ashy is a totally cool abbr. for Ashwini:) I am originally Shubhangi myself!:D


    Shubhi's Revels!

    Shubhi'sRevels! on Facebook

  5. Looks yummy!! I had an amazing pineapple fried rice with shrimp in downtown Chicago and some sumptuous French crepes in The Village in New York City!
    Belated Happy birthday to your mom,Ashy, and have a great weekend!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  6. Belated wishes to ur Mom!!

    Crepe looks mouth-watering!! :)

  7. thank you all! will paas on your wishes to my mom :)

  8. Oh wow, these pictures look delicious! My husband and I are obsessed with food and trying out new places ourselves, so I can totally relate!
    Thanks for visiting our blog. It's always nice to get comments and encouragement from fellow bloggers.
    Following you now! :)

  9. OMG the food looks amazing- especially the dessert!!! And thanks so much for the sweet comment on my blog! Yes, of course I would like to follow each other!! I'm starting now and look forward to you following back!
    A's Fashion Files
