Wednesday, April 10, 2013

the Mantra print

Happens to me all the time! I buy clothes and then they sit in the closet (with the tags) for days, weeks and some times even months *sheepishly agreeing*. All this is a result of sheer laziness combined with the wait for the right occasion/mood, as also ignorance of the fact that I own mint-condition clothes. Whatever reason it may be, but I suffer from this new-clothes-in-closet-but-nothing-to-wear syndrome from time to time now. And that is, of course, followed by an enormous guilt which I have of course decided to vent out here!

Anyhow, the good part is that I found a perfect solution/treatment for my condition. What I do is that, I pick out the brand new, never-worn items, put them on hangers and move them to the start of the hanger rack. This acts as a quick reminder for me to pick/try the new clothes whenever I am in a mood to dress up (for office/casual wear). I have been using this method for almost couple of months now and I am noticing the number of clothes declining from this section - which by the way, makes me a happy and proud gal :)

So why I am telling you this 'dukhada' (sob story) of mine? Well, 'cause the 'Mantra print' scarf was one such never-worn item. I bought this scarf on my last visit to homeland (India) while touring Jaipur. I spotted it in one of the souvenir shops in the Jaipur City Palace called Palace Atelier. The exquisite souvenir shop is within the Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II museum and is managed by Princess Diya Kumari (Princess of Jaipur).The enchanting 'mantra' (Indian chant) print, silky feel and the block printing finesse of the scarf was an instant appeal for me. So after I bought the scarf, it has been sitting in the closet for a year almost, until very recently when I was in the mood (read guilt) to pair it for a spring-appropriate clothing. For once, I should thank this extended-winter weather (that we are having for quite some time now), 'cause my mantra-print scarf finally found it's way out of the closet! 

So there you go peoples, I am guilty of having clothes in the closet with the tags on them. Does it happen to you too? What are the tricks you engage to come out of this syndrome? Do share your feedback in the comments below, on Facebook or Twitter.

Banana Republic V-neck sweater (similar) | Inpink Burnt Silver Disk earrings | Esprit Trench |


  1. Such a beautiful day for wearing this beautiful scarf! And it totally happens with me too!


  2. Aww, looking so nice! The mantra scarf is looking so good against the black and dark red of your outfit.


  3. Your pretty lady, the crisp indian scarf looks fabulous with the red pants, as well as your trench coat later.

    Shubhi's Revels!

  4. You are totally rocking the scarf !!

  5. Lovely, and great pictures.
    New post up on my blog.

  6. I can relate to that, it happens to me all the time! You look beautiful! I really like that scarf, I'm a scarf addict and want something like that!

  7. what i like about this post is how relaxed you look in the pictures . I think this comes from your confidence in the simple yet chic ensemble and it really rocks !

  8. Good that you finally wore it...Many of us have this dukhra :)

    You look so so pretty in these pics, especially in the 2nd and 3rd one...

  9. I couldn't have thought of a better way of wearing that scarf!!! Pretty scarf and pretty YOU! <3
    Also, LOVE your earrings! :)
