Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Contest and Spa Voucher Giveaway by The Four Fountains Spa (** Giveaway CLOSED **)

One of my favorite activities, when I am in Mumbai, is to visit a spa - The Four Fountains Spa more specifically - for a luxurious and wholesome treatment. Right from head massage to body massage to a fine facial, I have explored every de-stressing spa treatment here. And boy, does it work! I have found to step out with a glowing complexion, relaxed vibe in my walk and a striking change in my mood to become more blissful and gay (sigh..how I miss it now!). Apart from the treatments itself, what I love the most is their cool and comforting ambience, clean interiors, affordable pricing and a welcoming staff.
I have been a fan of their treatments so much so that, I have literally pushed my family members and every other friend and relative towards getting a spa treatment done here (I am crazy like that ;)). And might I add, all of them have loved the treatments 10 on 10!

Well, so the whole point here is that I couldn't be more happier to host a giveaway with The Four Fountains Spa (double happy as this is the first giveaway for my readers in India). 

And people, the giveaway vouchers (yes, not just one but three spa vouchers to win!) are towards some of the best and relaxing treatments at the spa!
-> The best answer gets a voucher for a Full Body Massage (60 min).
-> The second & third best get a voucher for a Partial Body Massage (30 min).  

The Four Fountains Spa has branches all over India and you can redeem the spa vouchers in any of the spa locations (Mumbai, Delhi, Gurgaon, Pune, Kolkata and Bengaluru). People who reside in cities other than the ones listed here, they can pass their voucher to friends, relatives staying in the city of the spa location.

To enter this giveaway, you must complete all the four rules below (Incomplete entries will be disqualified):
1. Answer this simple question in the comments below- 'What is your trusted way to de-stress and relax after a long day?'
2. Like the blog's Facebook page here.
3. Like The Four Fountain Spa's Facebook page here.
4. Follow The Four Fountain Spa's twitter account here.

For an additional entry:
1. Share the giveaway picture (below) on your Facebook wall and tag five friends.

Do not forget to mention your Facebook and twitter user ids in the comments below, so that we can verify your entry and qualify you for the giveaway.
Lastly, please mention your email id, in the comments, to receive the spa voucher in case you win :)

Giveaway ends next Tuesday on Sept. 17th. Winner will be chosen and announced in the following week.

All the best people and here's to a relaxing time at the spas! 


  1. Hi,
    You Asked-
    What is your trusted way to de-stress and relax after a long day?

    Well,A hot water shower is my trusted way that works wonder to me.It saves my day by allowing me feel awesome and help me relax after a long busy day.

    I also go for an ice-cream treat and night-walk to cheer me up in stressful situation but that is limiting to make me feel good.

    Fan of Your FB page
    Fan of Four Fountain Spa
    Twitter follower- @agarsurabhi

    Additional Entry-

    Thankyou for bringing a nice contest :)

  2. My way of destressing myself after a long tiring day is to soak my feet in hot water for sometime.it really helps to take away the pain.apart from that,a head massage with hot oil and sip of a hot cup of coffee act as one of the best ways to combat stress.These are my ways to feel fresh again :)
    Twitter id -bazazanisha
    Facebook id-Anisha Bazaz

  3. Facebook- DeepShikha
    Twitter- Divadeepshikha

    After a long hectic tiring day, i can only trust upon my cup of green tea and a session of meditation.
    It helps me relaxing every part of my body.It helps me focus and clear my mind which gives me positive vibes that last long.

    Whenever I get stressed and tired, I just face the mirror and say, "God never created this beautiful creation to be stressed."
    And believe me that you can count upon these trusted ways anytime when stressed.
    It's magical!!


  4. Anytime i want to destress I pour chilled water down the back right on the spine. I learnt this technique at an organic farm and so whenever I'm stressed, I just pour water down my back. It works wonders in melting away the pain.
    And yet if i don't have access to such a thing then out comes my laptop and counterstrike :D It is a surely amazing way to unwind after a long day. Shooting guns and bazookas cannot ever get any better. :D

    fb Hetal Mody
    twitter sothereisthisgirl
    id- sothereisthisgirl@gmail.com

  5. When i am too stressed, I soak my feet in warm water and hear to soft music. n if that doesnt work, i log into the zing of my life which seems to work miracles on my mood lately. :)
    Liked the zingofmylife and the four fountain spa on FB, and following both on twitter.
    Also shared the giveaway pic on my fb wall n tagged 5 frens.
    My fb id:Aditi Sawant
    My twitter username:Aditi_SoSaree
    my email:sosareee@gmail.com

    New Post Up

  6. Twitter - RumanaNazarali
    Facebook - Rumana Nazarali
    email id - rumana2789@gmail.com

    My way to de-stress is to have a hot shower and some good hot cup of tea. A nice body massage before the shower always helps in getting some good sleep and peace of mind

  7. Whenever I have a tiring day, I would just sit with my hubby in the balcony sipping tea, talking about the lovely old memories,good times and watching the view from our balcony.

    My facebook id - Manisha Pranav Katira
    My email id - followmanimatters@gmail.com
    My twitter id - Get2Manimatters

    Liked blog and spa's fb page and following The Four Fountain Spa's twitter account

  8. My way of distressing myself is listening romantic songs and after a hectic day go for a walk in evening after dinner and walk without slippers in greenery park and swing which reminds me of my old childhood days.

    Thanks for sharing Good post!

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