Thursday, June 28, 2012

Indian Fashion Bloggers - VIBGYOR challenge

Recently I have joined the fashionable bandwagon at INFB and couldn’t be more contented about it. I have discovered a whole new world of Indian fashionistas who are true to their love for fashion, are pros in what they do, have interesting tips and blogs going on the INFB website and continually keep inspiring me to do better..I am glad I found this treasure of people from my homeland who I can share my love of fashion with :)

They have interesting challenges coming up and lately I participated in my first challenge –    the VIBGYOR challenge! This definitely was a bold challenge for me.. I am not usually the daring types; I tend to stick to the styles I know I can pull off or look better on me, and of course are comfy! So keeping in mind these boundaries, and creating a look for VIBGYOR challenge had my brain cells working overtime (throughout the morning, noon, night ..Even when I am peacefully snuggled in my blanket, I kept on dreaming of the perfect look for this challenge), so finally a day before this challenge it struck me, tadaaaaa…(*drumroll please*) “why not accessorize like a rainbow!!!”

I decided to go with a LBD (little black dress) as my blank canvass and used up 6 colors of the challenge to accessorize it (I don’t own a LWD so LBD was an obvious choice u c :))

I went with my bold green earrings (recent purchase from the Northern Virginia arts festival in Reston), blue beaded necklace from F21, and orange belt from target as basic accessories. For bracelet/cuff, I tied up my yellow beads necklace (my bessht buy from Colaba street shopping) on the wrist and added another multi-color beaded cuff (from Vegas strip shopping) for that extra zing ;)

Finally I rounded up the outfit with a red Envelope clutch and red pumps..I wanted to coordinate at least two pieces, so it doesn’t look absolutely whacky (well, it does look whacky, but that was the point of the challenge for me, to come out of my comfort zone) I actually wore this outfit to a dinner with J and it rocked!! I am also considering this as one of my evening looks on my upcoming trip to SoCal (southern California).

Last but not the least; I had to come up with a caption for my entry to the challenge. And my brain that was already processing, re-processing and over processing for this challenge, derived this crazy caption – “When feeling low, accessorize like a Rainbow!”

Well, I will leave you, my readers, to judge this look, what do you think works or does not work here? When feeling low, would you accessorize like a rainbow? ;))

a quick recap of all the accessories n dress: 
Violet eyeshadow - F21
green earrings - NoVA Art Festival, Reston
blue beads necklace - F21
Orange belt - Target
Yellow beaded necklace (worn as bracelet) - Colaba street shopping
Multicolor beaded cuff - vegas strip shopping
red clutch - JC Penney
red pumps - DSW
LBD - Urban Outfitters

When feeling low, accessorize like a Rainbow!


  1. Hi Ashy,
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my BW post! :)
    And I love your interpretation of Vibgyor! Neat & Clean & Smart... :)
    I've put up a cumulative post of all vibgyors of infb. Check it out...
    Fashion Panache - VIBGYOR by InFB

  2. you are welcome Bhushavali, and thanks to you for visiting my blog. the collage looks cool, great job there!

  3. must say, complete justice to "vibgyor"
