Thursday, June 14, 2012

To the Danish countryside..

First of all, welcome to my new readers and thanks to all of you who left comments on my previous post. It was fun reading through them and thank you for encouraging words. I have found new friends in the blogging community and couldn’t be happier about it!!

Yesterday nite I was going through the old snaps on my hard drive and it kinda got me into a nostalgia mode…aah good ol’ days! Well, I hit on this album from my trip to Denmark – a Scandinavian treasure. I was in Denmark in 2005 summer on the client-side. I love love n absolutely love to travel…there is no other thing in this world that makes me happier than to plan my next travel …waataa a feeling it is to book tickets and then spend the rest of the time day-dreaming and making travel plans :) So ya back to the nostalgia mode :)…I lived in the suburbs of Copenhagen (capital of Denmark) and took weekend trips in and around Denmark and to Berlin, Amsterdam and Malmo in Sweden.

That was one memorable time..I was by myself (I had never travelled alone before or for that matter even lived on my own).. so you can imagine this was a life altering experience for me living in the Danish countryside. I learnt a lot about people, living alone, met different (read weird!) type of people..and of course dearly missed my family and friends.

I had curious experiences living to see how people live in Europe, had my first trip to a Gurdwara, participated in my first ever walkathon (it went all around the cty of Copenhagen), pluck-n-eat juicy cherries directly from the trees, have dinner (at 9) while the sun shining high, exchanged letters with my parents (tat was soo sweet and emotional, I still have those letters and read them once in a while), walk in the freaking-freezing fall mornings, foggy n snowy winters..well you c there were too many firsts on that trip.

And of course nothing can beat this - living in a country where they don’t speak the language you do :P ..well I can’t complain much, cause the Danes are very well versed in English n spoke it very fluently (without any reservations)..the Danish are very helpful, caring and warm bunch of people..never once made me feel like an outsider. Well, I also made really good friends (we were five gals) who I cherish even now. We had some memorable dinners, shopping trips, touristy things n ya chit chatted for hours n did all things girly…fun times!!   oh ya and I was introduced to two fashionable brands - H&M and Debenhams. H&M carried superb skirts, I remember getting a couple of them - brown corduroy n black velvet. We used to hop over to this huge shopping complex called - Fields - something that was huge, huge and even more huge!! i dont think I have ever seen something like that here in the states. Fields had every shop, every European brand and super huge food court.

well, sharing with you some pics of my time spent in Denmark…the pics brought back a lot of memories and I was transported back to the summer of 2005 …I had real good time engulfed in nostalgia n reminiscing the small unseen things in the pics..!!

I plan do separate posts on my visit to Amsterdam and Berlin!..well till then, as they say in Danish “Fortsat god dag” (Have a good day!)

Copenhagen Town center

temps were always below 20C

Danish Parliament

Walking street in Copenhagen

Opera House

Copenhagen harbor 
beautiful countryside in Roskilde, a town near Copenhagen

Vikings Museum

World Famous 'Tivoli Gardens'

Danish author Hans Chistian Andersen - creator of 'The Little Mermaid' 

Tivoli Gardens

Dinner parties :)

One serene morning in Fall

Fall in Danish countryside


  1. wow, great pics. looks like a wonderful place. will be looking out for your posts on your time there.

    1. thanks a lot subhorup! i promise i wont procrastinate writing them :)

  2. Cool photos man!! I don't see many Danish photos...Loved that Tivoli Gardens pic..

    1. thanks bhavana, I am glad you found them interesting, they are from 2005, when I didn have an inkling of photography :)

  3. Lovely photos ,,,, beautiful place ,,, especially the gardens ,, u dint put up the fields photo though after describing it so much ...


    Do visit my blog ,,,
    We could follow each other if you want

    1. thank u Bhakti! i m still looking for fotos from my trip to Fields, I will post them as soon as i find them.
      will check out your blog, thanks for the link :)

  4. hey ashy u took me bac down memory lane..... it was fun filled onsite trip experience... do u remember the night shoopin tht we did once, tht was one of its kind.... put some more pics yaaaaa....

    missed those dayz......

    1. thank u soo much resh, i knw i got so nostalgic seeing out pics..i dont think i have a lot of them now..i will try to find and put them up.
