Friday, July 27, 2012

My First Blogger Award!

Partayyy time ladies and gentlemen, ‘cause yours truly has won her first blogger award! Woohooooooooo!! Dhan-te-nannnnnn *expressing excitement in Hindi*

The gracious Emily Brewer from My Inspired Life with Fibromyalgia presented me with the Sunshine blogger award yesterday and I am grinning like a Cheshire cat since then :D
This is my first ever blogger award and my heartfelt thanks to Emily and to all my readers and well-wishers out there. You guys have kept the blog going, inspiring me to do my best and give my best to the blog.

And very special thanks to the photographer behind 'The Zing of My Life' - Mr. J! He motivates me, pushes me to do by best and also does give me a reality check (which I def need) from time to time.

Thank you thank you thank you soo much everybody! and thank you so much Emily!
Over to the award formalities now, 

The Sunshine Blogger Award Rules
1. Include award logo in a post or on your blog page.
2. Answer 10 questions about yourself.
3. Nominate 10 other fabulous bloggers.
4. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know about the award.
5. Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

1.     If you could live anywhere, where would you live? 
Ashy: that would be my home town Mumbai, there’s something magnetic about the city that keeps pulling me back there. And oh did I mention, my family lives there who I miss every single day, so it’s gonna be my obvious choice :)

2.   If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go?
Ashy: Being a traveler, I have been to really amazing places and its so difficult to decide this one but I would tie it between Miami (Official party Capital of US) and Puerto Rico (gorgeous weather, beaches and food, now what more do you need in a vacay spot)?

3.   What's your favorite part of blogging?
Ashy: fueling my creativity and getting to know so many fab and like-minded people

4.   Coffee or hot chocolate?
Ashy: not much of a sweet tooth there, so I am going with Coffee

5.    What kind of coffee do you drink?  What do you put in it?
Ashy: Coffee with milk and sugar. Love the cinnamon dolce lattes and pumpkin lattes in winters.

6.   What do you do to relax? 
Ashy: eating comfort food relaxes me like nothing else, and if you have 'Sex and the City' running on the television, I am in heaven!

7.    How do you keep calm in a very stressful situation?
Ashy: These are some of the tip I tried when working in the corporate world - take deep breathes, switch off and take a 5 min break, try to think coolly and get a better perspective of the issue at hand - now get back to work!

8.   Beautiful clouds or clear sky with stars?
Ashy: beautiful clouds

9.   Dogs, cats, or fish?
Ashy: I don’t have pets but if I had one, dogs are my fav!

10. Be honest, which last name do you like more, maiden or married?
Ashy: Maiden name - The only reason being my maiden name is very unique (I was the only one that came up in Google search results!) and that’s what I love about it.

So now here's the most difficult parts of accepting the honor - choosing only 10 blogs to present the Sunshine blogger award. All the blogs I follow have Sunshine in abundance - there are food blogs, fashion blogs, lifestyle, home décor, travel blogs and I have learnt a lot and continue to be inspired from each one of them.anyways, here are my nominees:

1) Mehak @ The Double M Life
2) Kavita @ Chic-ilicious 
3) Renu @ Renew It
5) Catherine @ Not Dressed as Lamb
7) Juneli @ Fashionably yours
8) Jess @ Js style
10) Heather@ Pearls & Paws

Congrats to all of you and here is my list of questions for you:

1) If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go?

2) whats your memorable moment/fav memory since you became a blogger?

3) what do you do to relax after a hectic day?

4) when are you most alert morning or night?

5) would you rather be by yourself or with lots of people?

6) your favorite fashion magazine and blog?

7) are you active or quiet/silent person?

8) how many hours do you spend on blogging in a week?

9) Pink or black?

10) whats your favorite place to shop in this world and why?

Now go spread some cheer and blog love, wont you? :)

Well, its Friday and staying true to the Filmy Friday theme, there is only one movie to talk about. 
The Dark Knight Rises – Go Watch it!
Awesome! Thrilling! Mesmerizing! tad long but all worth for the oozing charisma of the Dark Knight and his action scenes!
Bee-tee-W, this was my first Batman movie and now I can’t wait to go back and watch the others.

I have one of my college friends coming down from Rochester to meet me this weekend:) so excited! we have known each other for literally ages - 14 years that is! so its going to be all girly girl weekend - loads of gossip, yapping and just plain fun! 
Well, the better half is going to have his me-time aka soccer-time after ages. See, girly-girl weekend works both ways :)

Have a great weekend y'all!

P.S.: I have got a big time crush on Christian Bale, did you too?


Writing for the Web @Iowa Lakes said...

Congratulations! I chose you for it because your blog is so fun and interesting. Enjoy the award! you deserve it and keep blogging! :-)

Mehak said...

First of all CONGRATULATIONS!! You deserve it!! And secondly, O My Gosh!! Thank you so much... :) :) Made my day!! :) Can't help smiling :) :) :)


Kavita Sahu said...

Ashy You are such a darling... Congrats and thank you soooo much for the award.. I cant stop grinning.. This is my First Award as a blogger and you really made my day... It's midnight here and I've lost my sleep, sweets... :D ThanK You... :)

R.Punitha said...

Hi Ashy ,


And thank you for sharing with me Ashy :))))

Keep on Dear...

Juneli said...

WOW!! Congrats, dear, and thanks a bunch for nominating me!! Can't wait to post it on my blog!!
Juneli from Fashionably Yours

The Lacquer Factor said...

Congrats on your first blog award!! I'm following you from the gfc hop!

neha said...

Congrats very happy for really takes time and patience to do what u really like..and am inspired...:)

stylemeeh said...

Wow congrats on your very first blog award, also thank you so much for nominating me.

Have a great day

Lipsy said...

Congrats for your Award..Its always great to know about the blogger on your first visit to their blog...Loved your colorblock series:-))

Bhushavali said...

Hi Ashy, Congrats on the award. Thanks for dropping my blog n commenting.
Do drop by often. I'd love your visits & comments.
Btw, following you now! Do follow my blog if you like! :)
Fashion Panache
My Travelogue

ashy said...

thank u thank u everybody! so happy to receive the first blog award withing 4 months of blogging. I come to really love blogging and just wanna keep doing this :)

preeti garg said...

Congrats on awards... u really deserve this...

Mehak said...

Hey hey hey

Your second award is on its way.. The Liebster Award...
Head on to the blog for the deets...

The awards are raining... :) :)


Unknown said...

Congratulation dear :)

Mary M. said...

Congratulations, such a lovely post! Would you like to follow each other? :)

Have a lovely Sunday!

Kisses, Mary

A Possible Fantasy said...

thanks for stopping by! follow you now and hope you'll do the same! see you around! xx

Heather said...

Aww thanks so much dear!!!! And yes - I also have a MAJOR crush on Christian Bale - sooooo dreamy :) I've never been to Miami but here it's a blast!


Shannon & Katrina said...

congrats!! your blog is so cute!
p.s. maybe we can follow each other?

Mehak said...

haha!! Absolutely.. DSW is the place to meet!! :) :) :)


ashy said...

thank you thank you everyone!

Unknown said...

Congrats !!

Pranati Nath said...
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Pranati Nath said...
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Pranati Nath said...

congrats dear for the award & Thank You so much for selecting my blog for this beautiful award. thanks Ashy for the encouragement and appreciation. :)a award is waiting for you...Pls accept this as a token of love 4m me.
For award details pls visit -

Archana said...

Congratulations dear..... soooo happy for you. You deserve it!!.

Keep the blogs coming :)


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