Sunday, March 17, 2013

Indian twist

While I am away celebrating my birthday in the second best city in the world aka New York City (the best city is good ol' Bombay for me!) I will leave you to the pictures from the surprise anniversary weekend trip.
For this year's celebrations, sweet hubs abducted me and drove me to an unknown destination! When we reached the hotel, I was practically dumbfounded; the inn was by a picturesque location – a wharf with the view of the water right from our room. The inn was a tobacco factory that got converted into a heritage inn. The rooms had interesting mix of yester-year details - red brick walls, antique furniture and armoires. It was so much fun doing a photo-shoot in a unique place!

Well, so to say my outfit for the day was unique in itself - a mix of old and contemporary style. To try something new this time, I paired a lace LBD (Little Black Dress) with an Indian kundan necklace. For my non-Indian readers, ‘Kundan’ is a traditional form of Indian gem jewelry which is quite popular in the north-west region of India (states of Rajasthan and Gujarat). Kundan jewelry is usually elaborate necklaces, pendants, droop-earrings, bangles, etc. So it’s not a surprise that this type of jewelry is prominently a part of the bridal wedding trousseau in India.
Anyhow, I bought this kundan necklace from Mumbai during my wedding shopping. The excited to-be-bride that I was, I indulged in this expensive kundan jewelry but never actually got to wear it, neither during the wedding ceremonies nor at the reception. Blame the typical-gold jewelry for that! 

Anyways, better late than never, right? So in a bid to do try a quirky combination for the anniversary-dinner outfit, I decided to give this unique style a try. A chunky watch with assorted bracelets, a ring and black pumps completed the look. To keep the necklace as the centerpiece, I went low on accessories. Well, actually absolutely-zero accessories; not even earrings! For make-up I went with the usual and easy 'smokey eyes and red lips' look. Well, all this ensured that I didn't look like a decked up Christmas tree :)

Tell me, have you ever dressed up in a trendy outfit with a traditional twist? Do share your take on this style-experiment in the comments below! 
Urban Outfitter's Dress | Kundan necklace from Sia Art Jewelry, Mumbai | 
Bandolino black peep-toe pumps | Michael Kor's Women's Chronograph (similar)| Aldo Ring

P.S.: a BIG thanks to hubs for the photography. The unique lighting was a new territory for us. But with a great deal of patience, hubs tried different modes and angles with the DSLR so that the pics came out just perfect. I absolutely loved all the pics and I had to contemplate a great deal on which ones to post. So you can see now, why this post is photo-heavy :)


  1. wow interesting mixing and u look gorgeous :)

  2. Belated happy birthday :)

  3. I love the the necklace paired with an all black look, it really stands! Its so also extremely beautiful, you look really good :)

  4. The necklace is so pretty!!
    You look fab.

    Cheers! ^_^

  5. Like the lace dress. The necklace looks really nice with it. Like the combination.

  6. I also brought one of my wedding sets with me here this time from India. I thought instead of gathering dust in the locker, it should be worn, even if once! Great minds think alike! ;) You look exceptionally nice in this! And husband did a great job with all the lighting and photography!

  7. Aren't you a DOLL!!! So pretty :)
    I like wearing indian jewelry with western clothing. Man, that necklace is gorgeous!

  8. yes, i ever wore a trendy dress with traditional twist. i wore modern kebaya with batik dress. both of that are traditional outfit from indonesia :D
    you look so pretty, more trendy but still have traditional touch..

    i'm your newest follower dear, maybe you wanna visit and follow me too

  9. Ashwini, you look gorgeous! The combination of western wear with Indian jewelry totally works! You did right with keeping everything else understated and making the necklace the center of attention. It's so pretty! Love, love, love! Sounds like you had a great b'day weekend! :)

  10. lookin very pretty!
    and the necklace is beautiful!

  11. That kundan necklace is beautiful, Ashy, and you look stunning!
    Good that you got to wear your wedding jewelry again!
    Happy anniversary to both of you and a happy birthday to you! Sounds like an amazing place to celebrate your anniversary!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  12. Wow! I always love a good mix of the traditional & contemporary and I think you nailed it perfectly, my dear! Looking pretty indeed! ^_^

  13. You look absolutely pretty in that dress. Not to forget the gorgeous neckpiece :D

    Love the lips too.


  14. Love the LBD..n that SIA neclace is superb.
    Following u on bloglovin, hope u follow back.

    New Post Up

  15. Lovely! You look like a regal princess.

    Love the Indian jewels on the formal attire.

  16. wow it is totally solid decent look, beautiful combination or great match of black wardrobe.
    It is fab outstanding pictorial.:)

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