Friday, July 5, 2013

Guest Blog Series - In Pursuit of Myself

One of the bloggers that can be aptly defined as 'beauty with brains' is Maneet Gupta from In Pursuit of Myself. Maneet is an ex-corporate who is now based in the US and follows her passion for writing, travelling, cooking, and yes knitting as well (she makes exquisite woollen accessories). Maneet was one of the few people I have met through blogs and connected like good friends. Thank you so much Maneet for doing a guest post on this blog! 

Do visit her amazing page for wonderful anecdotes and words of wisdom! 

It takes a lot

How many times have you heard that ‘There is no shortcut to success’ and then gone on to believe at the first chance you get that ‘He/she has got it easy’? How many times have you thought they are just plain lucky and have it all served to them on a plate. That is because it is easier to take something at face value and not think about the hard work that went into it. It is easier to see the end result and not all the failed attempts and preparation that happened behind the scenes. 

Well, today I am here to break that little bubble and reinforce the age old wisdom by way of this funny pictorial representation.

What do you think first when you look at this!? Looks awesome. Maybe put you in awe and say ‘Oh my god! How cool! I wish I could do it too!’

But always remember that what you see does not often happen with magic. It takes sweat, determination and hard work.

There could have been a few or many failed attempts. Maybe they could have gone in a totally opposite direction than what they set out for.

There could have been some discomforts; physical, mental, emotional...some other state of mind!

But they persisted. They had faith. They did not deter after the first failure. Or many after!

Everybody has their own path to tread. It may be easy or it may be hard. You will never know! 

So, the next time you begin to take something or someone for granted, please know that you did not walk in their shoes. Maybe their shoes hit so many stones that by the end they were not worth showing. Maybe their shoes gave up on them midway. Or maybe they did not wear shoes at all, and just ran all the way to the end!

‘There are no shortcuts to any place worth going’ - Beverly Sills 


  1. Inspiring post !! Hard work leads to success no matter how many times you fail.
    Thanks for a great post !

    <a href=">the IT girl</a>

  2. nice pics

  3. Wonderful post! Thanks!

  4. This post is soo awesome..i love maneet and her blog.


  5. So cute and funny! :)

