While in India I met with two pretty ladies whose fashion blogs I follow to the T - the vivacious Shubhi from Shubhi's Revels (now 'FairyTale Style') and the charming Aditi from SoSaree! Shubhi and I had a coffee date on a rainy afternoon (perfect setup I say!) which continued into a photo shoot (my first with a fellow fashion blogger, it was super fun believe me!) and then we joined Aditi for a pizza-and-sizzling-brownie dinner. We almost spent half-a-day together and not one moment was dull, I tell you!
It was a gab-fest, people.. we touched upon every topic under the sun, right from our fashion blogs to our personal (married - for Aditi and me) lives to our aspirations. The evening had it's twists and turns when Shubhi found that she had misplaced her Blackberry, frantic times to find it, and then finally finding out that her dad picked up her Bbery from the coffee shop. All in all..one exciting evening to say the least which I enjoyed every bit. Looking forward to catching up when I am next in Mumbai.

Loft colored jeans (similar) | H&M black top (borrowed from mum) | Coach bag
Howrah Bridge printed scarf (buy it here)| Catwalk sandals | Earrings gift from a friend
Outfit Pictures c/o Shubhi. Thanks a lot Shubhi for the amaZing pics; it was so much fun doing this photo shoot!
Funny story about the photoshoot. With all the prying eyes on the road, it was so difficult to get a quiet place to do an outfit photoshoot....phew! Finally Shubhi and I found this deserted park behind the coffee shop and in almost 10 minutes we had both our outfit pics taken (that was my quickest photo shoot ever!). It also started raining by the time we were on the end..and then there were also some couples seeking lone time in the park...so we quickly made a dash for the exit.
Well, least to say, it is indeed not-very-easy, as it is here in the US, to take outfit pics and be a fashion blogger in India..hats off to all you Indian Fashion Bloggers :)
The quirky house-print scarf is from Anupriya's own brand - Howrah Bridge. Anupriya is a dear friend, fellow fashion blogger and Owner & Designer at Howrah Bridge. I loved this print and the colorful panels; makes it great to brighten up that plain, boring tee/top. Check out 'Howrah Bridge' on Facebook for some original and quirky designs and beautiful detailing.
Funny story about the ordering process - I had placed an online for another Howrah Bridge scarf through a third-party online portal. When I let Anu know this, she checked her inventory to find out that the scarf I ordered was sold out. Bummer! But Anu, the sweetheart that she is, was graious enough to send me additional designs to browse through. Out of the all the exquisite designs, this quirky print definitely caught my eye and now I have it for me :) Thanks Anu for the wonderful customer service, personalized shopping experience and the thoughtful and kind note with the parcel...you go girl!
Wow, great to know, u pretty ladies had fun, will try n schedule a meet up with u next time u r here, pakka !
Aditi looks so gorgeous ,and ur scarf I am loving it totally.
Hey ashy, thnx for doing this post..i feel so nostalgic. only if we didnt stay miles away, we cud do this more often. know wot ..after seeing ur scarf i also ordered an owl print top frm howrah bridge..m so excited to see it. Also, m still waiting for u to add me as ur fb fren. ;)
Shubhi has done such a fabulous job with the pics, only if she cud click me that day.:(
Great ging girl..n stay in touch.
Ms. Kuchekar - Have been following your blog since your started. Boston yaad nahi aata? And what happened to the second post you were supposed to do of your India visit? That should be different from this post - my assumption.
Eeeeee!!! I'm loving the scarf on you!!! <3
And Aditi....can't wait to see your post flaunting the Howrah Bridge owl top! :))
Love the Scarf - The star of this outfit!! It must have been fun meeting all the other bloggers. I can understand when you take note of the Prying eyes! It must be so difficult compared to here in US. :)
Have a great day.
~ Seepz
That Sassy Girl
That Sassy Girl on Bloglovin
Hey Ashy, caught up on this post late, its so cutely written! I loved that day-the coffee date and then meeting Aditi!!
Love you :*
I liked the way the outfit is teamed! pants look awesome!
Such a lovely post. Your photos are amazing and love the scarf too :)
Thank You and I have a tremendous supply: kitchen cabinet renovation
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