Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April Recap

This month blogging took a new turn for me. Yeah, it was the birthday month but then I also blogged almost without a break! And then during the birthday week, even more - 4 out of 5 days. It's not about the numbers but about the fun, enjoyment, connecting with fellow bloggers, readers and friends you have haven't been in touch with for a long time. Yeah, one fine evening I got a call from one of my long-lost friends to tell how much she loved my pictures in the vibrant colored blazer! I was so happy to catch up with here after so-many-freaking years..and that she reads my blog and that she loves it :) yay! Gratification at it's best!

Anyways, enough of the mush and onto the real stuff now. April was a month with a weird was scorching hot, snowing then somewhere down the line it became pleasantly warm again, then it rained, then it was cold and windy and so on. Well, what can you do? Just dress up as the weather wants you to, right? That's just what I did - I adapted to the whims of the weather Gods and brought along a blazer, trench or a scarf every other day.

Anyhow, here are the looks from the last month, tell me which one is your fave?

Linking posts here - (Left to Right and Top to Bottom)
1. Blog Birthday with a Pop of Pink
2. Black & White
3. Birthday weekend
4. Santa Monica
5. Photographic Memory
6. Crushing on Coral
7. the Mantra print
8. No More Snow


  1. lovely looks! shall we follow let me knw XSE

  2. Loved all the looks but my favs were the birthday weekend.crushing on coral and the mantra print!!!


  3. Hey Ashy. Thanks for stopping by on my blog. So you too live in the US? and where? Nice blog you have and Belated Happy birthday!!

  4. Wow, looks like you've been a busy bee, I never get to blog this much in a month! All the looks are incredible, you are so stylish. Also, belated Happy Birthday!

    Have a lovely weekend,
    Mary xx

  5. u look great dear
