Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Century and a Giveaway! (** Update: Giveaway now closed **)

Ta da..This is my 100th post, people! Yes, One Hundredth! Can you believe it? Feels odd that I have been writing for so long and that I have reached the mile marker 100. I was never really into writing you see; not the writer-types, but I am more of the talkative-types. So, well who knew I would be writing for so long?!

Most of the times, the writing has been about my thoughts, adventures, experiences - both good and bad, and the meh ones..and sometimes it has been as curt and straight-forward as this. But nevertheless throughout this journey I have surprised myself, my mom (she couldn't identify with her child who took to writing out of nowhere) and many of you, my friends and readers.

So before I go on and on, on how I have come to be writing this 100th post, let me get to the celebrations part of this post where you, YES you can actually win something! My most fave retail website - Groopdealz and I have have come together for a GIVEAWAY to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Groopdealz is a daily boutique deals website and they are giving away a 25$ gift card to Target! Now who doesn't shop at Target, tell me? And by shopping I don't mean the daily grocery stuff, I am hinting towards the occasional unplanned stroll down the shoes, bags, accessories aisles (I would also add the home décor aisle to this list ;)).
I am so glad to have paired up with one of my fave brands and as you may know many of my accessories in the posts here, here and here have been from this darling website. If you are looking for the fancy-shmancy necklaces, earrings, bags, and home décor stuff for an unbelievably economical price then you know you have head to Groopdealz.

Easy-peesy rules for the giveaway:
1. Follow 'the Zing of my life' on Facebook
2. Follow Groopdealz on Facebook
3. Follow Groopdealz on Instagram
4. Follow the Zing of my life on Instagram

Extra entry to the giveaway if you:
1. Sign up for the emails on Groopdealz website.

Drop a comment below to let me know you have fulfilled the requirements along with the social media userids with which you are following. Also, don't forget to mention your email id so that I can reach you.

This giveaway is open to the residents in US and Canada only and ends on August 17, 2013. A winner will be chosen via and announced in the following week. 


  1. Following you and Instagram in all the ways listed!! Congrats on your 100th post!

  2. eeee done :D so excited. participating in the first giveawayyy :D and waitinngggg to hear the results already :P *fingers crossed*

  3. Congratulations on 100 posts! Great job Ashy:-)

  4. can't wait to hear the results :D :)

  5. Congrats! I did all the required entries:
    1. Follow 'the Zing of my life' on Facebook (Carolsue Anderson)
    2. Follow Groopdealz on Facebook (Carolsue Anderson)
    3. Follow Groopdealz on Instagram (Cezovski9)
    4. Follow the Zing of my life on Instagram (Cezovski9)
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  6. I signed up for Groopdealz
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  7. Following you in every which way (was already doing so on FB and Instagram). Now doing so for Groopdealz as well...and signed up for their emails too! :)

