Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Party favors

So I am bit of procrastinator (sounds more like the terminator :P) when it comes to responding to emails, FB posts and the list goes on. But since writing this blog, I have come to realize that I have to own up to everything - and that includes the recipes that I promised to share on my blog :)

So after what seems like eons after the post on heat and the best drink to beat it, I present you the recipe for my fav drink of all times.  (Yes, I wrote an entire post on the heat quotient, sizzling temps and my fav drink..guess I was really delirious from the heat et. al.)

Well, here’s the perfect recipe to the fav drink of all times. I have adopted it from here

   Home-madey Lemonade\nimbu-pani

Ingredients: lemons, sugar, water, ice, saffron/ginger (optional)

Quick summary of the process (for quick readers): To sum up, it’s really boiling sugar and water together and mixing it with the lemon juice and water. Serve chilled over ice and that’s it to the lemonade.

For an elaborate description, read on for the steps with a sprinkling of tips here and there :)

1. I made a ‘simple syrup’ using same qty sugar and water (yes the same syrup that you would soak Gulab jamuns in case you didn’t know). I put together ½ cup sugar and ½ cup water in a small saucepan on med-high gas
Quick Tip - you can also microwave the mixture too till the sugar dissolves in the water.
2. I added 4-5 saffron strands just after I turned off the gas and when the syrup was still warm. Saffron gives a nice hint of orange-yellow to the lemonade and a sweet aroma.
Quick Tip - I have also tried switching saffron to ginger sometimes. Take 1-inch cube of ginger and grate it or pinch between a pair of tongs to bring out the juice and flavor the syurp. Lemon-ginger combo has a unique taste.
3. I squeezed out juice from 3 lemons.
Quick Tip - Sometimes I just preferred limes over lemons ‘cause of the supremely tangy taste of limes, but then be mindful of the sugar qty if you are not going for the tangy taste.
4. In a pitcher, stir together the saffron syrup, lemon juice, 4 cups water. I skipped on the cardamom powder.
5. Serving Tip- I served the lemonade in tall glasses; it just brings a zing to the presentation. I dipped a rim of glass in water and coated it with salt (regular salt is fine if don’t have a margarita salt). 
6. Serve the lemonade chilled over ice. Add one or two lemon slices to the drink. 

When the salt and lemonade mixture hits your mouth, it’s pure bliss :)

I have another quick-fix recipe for lemonade – but I will keep it for another post.

While I am at food blogging, I wanted to post another recipe for a quick party favor - Paav-bhaji crostini
Paav-bhaji, a street side food served in Mumbai, is a spicy-n-buttery mixture of mashed veggies served with toasty bread. For Paav-bhaji, I usually trust this recipe

Yes, it’s as it simple as it sounds, of course when you have left over paav-bhaji sitting in your fridge. Instead of just having it regular style, why not jazz it up Italian style, eh?

As you may remember from here, I had friends over one Friday. And that led to left over paav bhaji for the next day. What did I do then? I made Paav-Bhaji crostinis :)

1. Take a paav/bread ( or a regular sandwich bread is fine) and cut small circles out of it using a cookie cutter (or a small sharp edged bowl). 
2. Apply butter on one side and toast it on a hot sizzling pan. 
3. Spread one table spoon of paav bhaji on it, sprinkle it will with some finely diced onions, tomato, coriander and some red chilli pwder for added kick. 

Tats it, my friends, your quick party favor is ready. 
We all love paav bhaji, so why not try it in a different avatar? I bet it will surprise the guests with your creativity. Hey and you can always use fresh paav bhaji, just let it come to room temp before serving (don’t want it to dampen the crispy paav crostini, do we now?;) )

So that was desi food served with an Italian twist, do you try such quirky twists in kitchen?


  1. Amazing pictures! Looks so yummy!


  2. Thanks for the comment! Now following you, follow me back?


  3. This drink looks delish! :) Thanks for the sweet comment and stopping by my blog. Your blog is awesome-just became a member/follower of your blog. I hope you'll follow me back and we can keep in touch. Happy Blogging!!!

    Elle xoxo

  4. I'm a big fan of pav bhaji and the lemonade is just what I'm thinking right now to beat the heat! Looks yumm!! Thanks a bunch for stopping by and following! You have a lovely blog and I'm following you back!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  5. thank u all for your lovely comments , made my day :)

  6. ive never seen the average limbu sherbat so stylishly served!

    geat post-love the pav-bhaji innovation too!

    following you now:)

    Love, Shubhi's Revels!

  7. These look so amazing!! Thank you for stopping by my blog :)


  8. Like your writing style and really nice pictures to go with it :)

    recent post: http://ourexternalworld.blogspot.in/2012/07/nail-art-goodies-haul-from-kkcenterhk.html

  9. Awesome Post on party favors.....
    I like ur space.... visit @ my space hope u like it....

  10. awesome and fabulous recipes..thanks for dropping by my space dear..happy to follow u dear:)pls visit and join my space in ur free time:)

  11. Looks delicious, now you made me hungry!

  12. How refreshing! There is nothing like cool lemonade on a warm day!

    Thanks for the sweet comments and have a lovely week!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  13. Loved the way you decorated the glass :)
    following you dear:)


  14. My mouth is watering right now! The lemonade looks amazing!

    Have a lovely day!

  15. Loved your glamourous presentation of simple nimbu paani!! Nw I cant wait to try it out.

  16. Love your Pumps Ashy!

    Following your blog! BTW I can't find you in my GFC list?


  17. Ahhhh thanks for the tutorial :D
    blogwalking here and find your blog. mind to follow each others? :D

    xoxo, rheapunya.blogspot.com

  18. Hi Ashy,

    New to your lovely space :)

    Nimbu paani Looks refreshing !!!

    Neat presentation :))

    Keep on Dear..


  19. thank u ladies, I will be visiting ur blogs too

  20. What a refreshing post! I want that nimbu pani :)

  21. These look absolutely delicious! I could eat/drink both right now and it's 11:30am!! Just hopped over from the GFC link up and really excited to be a new follower.

    Rosie x

    1. thanks Rosie, yeah I get cravings like that too. will be visiting ur space soon!
