Thursday, October 10, 2013

Myrtle beach

Lately, the weather has been so gloomy here in the DC - with all the rains and cloudy days - that I have started to miss summer already. And by summer I mean the beaches, lounging by the pool, eating fried stuff and sipping ice-cold drinks. And also wearing shorts, skirts and all the summery! can we have it all back already!

Anyways, I thought now that I have all these thoughts running amok in my head, I thought this might be the best time to share some outfit pics from summer. I got this pretty pink skirt (in the pics below) almost on the last day of my trip in India. Yeah, I was shopping till the very last day there..I can't get enough of all the pretty stuff, what to do! Another motive behind shopping so late in the trip was getting to eat at the food court in the shopping malls.
The stalls in the food courts, in India, are TO DIE FOR! You get to eat these awesome delicacies, dosas, pani-puri, chaat, biryani, kebabs, indianiz-ed burgers, chinese noodles and rice (slurrrrppp...). I think all my intentions to even step in the mall is - to go to the top floor (or whichever floor the food court is located) and hog on the desi fast-food, especially pani-puri - the one that you get made in BISLERI aka distilled mineral water! For all I know, I am going to miss all this and even the fact that food courts serve delicious food. I mean there are food courts in the malls here in the US, but all the food is just super greasy, no chaaat (!!), and somehow I am not even hungry anymore when I step in the food courts here.

So yeah back to the shopping, I had been on a lookout to buy a skirt during my India trip and voila! I find it on the very last day there! I was so happy that I found it on a deal. I paired it with a bright top for our summer weekend in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We took these pics in the balcony which had some really gorgeous views of the Atlantic Ocean ....all daaaayyy looonng! The crystal clear water, cool crisp air and just was all so surreal I tell ya!
Can't wait for the summer now...what about you?

Westside pink skirt | Target Merona blue tee | Francesca's fedora hat |
Levis Denim Vest (as seen here and here) | Old Navy flats |


  1. Nice post, and skirt.. Also, I am flying to India next week! Just can't wait.. would be visiting after 1.5 years and I have similar plans of eating pani-puri (non-stop) there.. Slurrrrppp!
