Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Blog birthday series - Seven 'zingy' travel moments

Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer - Anonymous

I truly believe and live by these words. Travel, to me, is the one of the things in my life that keeps me going! I think my travels define me, educate me. It's not just visiting the place, but the complete process of planning the trip, booking tickets, making travel arrangements, the journey, the people, the food - all aspects enrich me with some experience or the other. And I should say that I am lucky enough to find a partner-for-life who loves travelling and is enthusiastic (probably more than me) about going to different places. 

Moving on to this post, the seven 'zingy' travel moments include my very first journey (by myself) to a foreign destination, our travels to the scenic west coast of the USA (which I had been dying to do for long), absolutely rocking time spent in the ultimate 'party' destination of the USA (Miami), as well as visits to the local neighborhoods like Georgetown, DC. One strong impulse to start this blog was, to document my travels and share the first-hand information about the places I have visited. After all, a journey becomes a memorable experience, and a little more personal, when you have reliable information from fellow travelers. And so, it is indeed an amazing opportunity to work with (Dwellable is an online portal to look for that perfect vacation rental.) 

I will always have a soft corner for the Scandinavian gem - Denmark. I was in my early twenties, travelling for business and it was my first journey outside India to a country whose primary language was not ENGLISH! I was in Copenhagen for around 4-5 months and the confidence that I gained through this journey is unparalleled. I can positively say that, I can never feel LOST in any country now; I can successfully find my way through any city, town, village. Well, if I am may humbly brag, I can successfully navigate through the New York City (NYC) subway. (Let me tell you, that's a definitive feat there! For any one who has been to NYC, knows what a tangled mess it is!)

For the most part in the last year, I wasn't slogging in the corporate world; and so majority of my time was spent either looking for new destinations, making travel plans or actually travelling! I think we traveled the most last summer - visited both the east coast tip of the US (Miami and Key west) and the west coast tip (Los Angeles and San Diego) and then the Midwest (Chicago) in Fall. Well, so if I can add my two cents here it would be - Stop looking for a better time to travel; start early for You Live Only Once :)

I have created a new travel page with a better user experience. Check it out for a quick tour of the destinations I have been to :) 

Well, take your pick, which travel post did you most enjoy reading about? Tell me! Tell me!

To read about a particular destination from the pic below,  you know where to click, don't you? :)
{1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7}

P.S. Tomorrow is THE day and there will be surprise waiting for you right here on the blog! Don't forget to check back in!


  1. I love this post. I love love love to travel. I have a true desire for wanderlust and really believe nothing in life is more rewarding than traveling. No amount of money spent on "things" is as worthy as an experience. That's so cool how you got to spent sometime in a different country on your own...I would love to do that.

  2. Wow! Lovely post.. And I agree with everything here.. Traveling is not only fun, but it educates us, in so many ways.. I guess because we live in a different country, we develop a unique love for travelling, may be because we learn so many things and experience so much of culture difference everywhere.. it makes us want more..
    P.S. I am excited to see what other seven zingy posts you are coming up with..!! Fun!!
    Oh and this is purely for bragging - I am going to San Diego this weekend.. hahaha..

  3. niceee :)
    and same thought
    i sometime feel i live for travelling ...period !! :)
    waiting for tomorrow ;)

  4. Ashy..i so agree wid u re the travelling..!It does a lot to enrich u a person.
    On special occasions, my husband will always give me a choice between, expensive jewellery or an exotic travel plan as a gift, n i undoubtedly choose to travel. its surprises him a lot..but now he is used to it.


  5. Enjoyed reading it :)

  6. This is such an awesome post!! Loved reading about all your travels.. they were a delight! and I must say you are absolutely correct when U say it's an experience.. it's a growing experience you learn so much.. me and hubby also love to travel around!! I loved your posts about DC as well as california ones..

